Installing Maya 2009 / 2010 64-bit on Linux

This stuff works. Do it right, and please, don’t post questions as comments. See the comments that says something like “Works Perfectly”. Then give it another go.


Here is a rundown to installing Maya 2009 or 2010 on Linux. This is for Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04, but other distro’s should not differ much.

If you have access to the openmotif as a package or want to install from source, it’s a good idea to do this, as I feel it gives a nicer UI.

Anyway, here is the drill:

Maya Ubuntu install:

Many folks out there has had some issues regarding installing Maya on Ubuntu Linux
This guide is used on Ubuntu 8.10 x86_64 (also tried successfully on 9.04) for installing Maya 2009 and 2010 (also in x86_64)

First of all, Maya uses some libraries, that you must install before installing the program itself.
The Motif GUI Maya uses is an old GUI type, dating many years back.
The static libraries are installed by default and can be linked directly from /usr/autodesk/_maya_version/libs to /usr/lib64 and /usr/lib in your installation (by sudo cp, or similar). This is the[version] file.

If you don’t want to compile and install openmotif from source, install the runtime files from Multiverse, called libmotif3.

Also Maya uses FAM for keeping track on file changes, so you need to install FAM or GAMIN (newer alternative with same/better functionality in Maya) install both the runtime and development libraries of gamin found in the core repository, called gamin, and libgamin-dev.

Maya will try to write files to /usr/tmp, so make sure to create the directory and give it write permissions:
sudo mkdir /usr/tmp
sudo chmod a+rwx /usr/tmp/

Now, you need to convert the .rpm packages to .deb.
The installer scripts in Maya requires csh, so you need to install that and the alien package.

If you have the install files on a DVD, copy the Linux-64 directory to a place you have write access, like ~/MayaInstall (create that directory)
cp -R /media/Maya2009/Maya/Linux-64 ~/MayaInstall

I like to give access to the files in this directory and change the ownership:

sudo chown -R _username_ ~/MayaInstall/
sudo chmod -R +rwx ~/MayaInstall/

sudo apt-get install csh alien
OR sudo aptitude install csh alien

This will install the csh shell, that Maya depends on when using Alien for conversion.

cd to the directory where you copied the .install files to (the .rpms) from the install media.

Type the following in a single line, include the “done” ( PRECISELY AS WRITTEN HERE, DO A COPY / PASTE ):

for i in *.rpm; do sudo alien -cv $i; done

(the command will take a while to complete!)

Now install the .deb packages with dpkg:

sudo dpkg -i maya2009-0-64_2009.0-102_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i maya2009-0-64-docs-en-us_2009.0-64_amd64.deb

The licensing application will include itself in the maya package and pop up after running Maya for the first time.

Start the program from a shell, to verify any errors, just open a terminal and type maya.
The license installer will launch and guide you through the licensing process.

My output looks like this:
Starting license manager:

cody@zenmachine:~$ maya
cody@zenmachine:~$ @@@@@@@@ opening log

(enter to get the prompt back, now try executing maya again)

cody@zenmachine:~$ maya
mental ray for Maya 10.0
mental ray: version, Jul 30 2008, revision 26576

So, everything works fine. Read on for additional tips’N’tricks:

Gnome modifications:

For Maya to work properly with Gnome, some modifications should
be made to the mouse control. The default bindings of the Alt key and mouse
buttons do not work well with Maya. Turn off the
Alt+mouse buttons. Since Maya uses the Alt+mouse buttons for scene view
tumbling, you need to ensure the bindings don’t conflict.
Different versions of Gnome may have different methods of selecting
the key bindings. See the Gnome documentation for instructions if
the following steps don’t work for your particular window manager.

Select Applications, then Preferences and then select Windows.
In the Window Preferences dialog box, set the “To move a window…”
key to Super.

Modifications and problem solving:

XCursor problem (pointer is a cross)
add the line:
in the /home/[your name]/maya/2009-x64/Maya.env file

Fonts, font sizes, and colors can be configured using the MayaScheme file.
This file lets you specify X Resources that Maya uses for configurable text. The default file is found in:


Edit this file as root (sudo) and change to the preffered fonts and colors.
(make a copy of the original file first, if things turn out messy).

Example of my modified MayaScheme file:
————————————————————————————–MAYA BG COLOR AND FONT PROPERTIES:
sudo gedit /usr/autodesk/maya2009-x64/app-defaults/MayaScheme

*extraLargeBoldLabelFont:    -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*largeBoldLabelFont:         -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*boldLabelFont:              -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*smallBoldLabelFont:         -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*tinyBoldLabelFont:          -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*plainLabelFont:             -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*smallPlainLabelFont:        -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*obliqueLabelFont:           -*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*smallObliqueLabelFont:      -*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*fixedWidthFont:             -*-fixed-medium-r-normal–11-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
*smallFixedWidthFont:        -*-clean-medium-r-normal–10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*basicBackground:            #d9d9d9
Maya*Background:             #d9d9d9
*textForeground:             #000000
*textFieldBackground:        #eeeeee
*readOnlyBackground:         #bdbdbd
*buttonBackground:           #bdbdbd
*scrollBarTroughColor:       #bdbdbd
*scrollBarControlBackground: #bdbdbd
*indicatorBackground:        #cbcbcb
*radioColor:                 #0000ff
*checkColor:                 #ff0000
*blueSelectBackgroundColor1: #3884c4
*blueSelectBackgroundColor2: #81a7c1
*drawingAreaBackground:      #90abb1
*drawingAreaContrastColor1:  #b86b6b
*drawingAreaContrastColor2:  #7894bf
*drawingAreaContrastColor3:  #7ba988
*drawingAreaContrastColor4:  #ab7ec8
*scrolledListBackground:     #bdbdbd
*textBackground:             #b5b5b5
*highlightColor1:            #ff0000
*highlightColor2:    #0000ff
*highlightColor3:    #00ff00
*highlightColor4:    #a01ef0
*highlightColor5:    #ffa500
*highlightColor6:    #00ffff
*highlightColor7:    #ff00ff
*HighlightColor8:    #ffff00
*wMBackground:    #aaaaaa
*wMForeground:    #000000
*wMActiveBackground:    #c6c1aa
*wMActiveForeground:    #000000
*textSelectedBackground:    #e6e6e6
*textSelectedForeground:    #000000
*indicatorLightColor:    #ffff00
*selectFillColor:    #ffff00
*redColor:    #ff0000
*orangeColor:    #ff7e00
*yellowColor:    #ffff00
*greenColor:    #4fe44f
*blueColor:    #0000ff
*brownColor:    #743f3f
*purpleColor:    #ae00ff
*errorColor:    #ff0000
*warningColor:    #0000ff
*informationColor:    #00ff00
*alternateBackground1:    #c1adad
*alternateBackground2:    #a7b7a7
*alternateBackground3:    #bbbbcd
*alternateBackground4:    #9fbfbf
*alternateBackground5:    #87aaca
*alternateBackground6:    #d1d1c9
*disabledTextForeground:    #aaaaaa
*layerAdjustmentTextForeground:    #e56929
*lightRadioFillColor:    #9e9edc
*disabledCheckColor:    #dc9e9e

Maya plug-ins and standalone apps:

To compile plug-ins and standalone applications for Maya 2009 on Linux,
use the released gcc 4.1.2 compiler. Maya has been compiled with this compiler
under RHEL 4 WS. As well, some libraries and symbolic links are installed in
the /lib directory under your Maya directory, and should not interfere with
the normal operation of your Linux system.

76 thoughts on “Installing Maya 2009 / 2010 64-bit on Linux

  1. thank you for the instructionsn…
    maybe ytou can help me.
    i can’t make the deb files:

    Package build failed. Here’s the log:
    find Maya2009_0_64-2009.0 -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;
    find: `Maya2009_0_64-2009.0′: No such file or directory
    rm -rf Maya2009_0_64-2009.0

    what i need to do?

    1. Well. First make sure to follow the instructions in detail. Most people I’ve talked to have no problem when using the instructions, step by step.
      Make sure you install the csh or tcsh packages and all packages in the Alien prerequisites, rpm etc. (installed automatic with: sudo aptitude alien in Debian/Ubuntu).
      chown -R the source directory (copy it from the install DVD or what ever media your using) to your user, and chmod -R 0755 the directory afterwards.
      Then run the alien command exactly as described, including the done; part.

    2. Make sure that the installation files are copied to a separate directory, that you have 0777 access on for the temporary extraction of the .rpm files. Make the /usr/tmp Also make sure that the filenames are correct! This guide is aging, maybe there are new versions of the files, so that a copy and paste from the guide, won’t be possible. Make sure that you create the /usr/tmp directory as well. Normally this does not exist. Give it full permissions for everyone, and try again.

  2. I have a problem with paint effects brush strokes. They will not render as i paint them with my intuos, they only show up when i open and close a menu from the panel. It happens when painting on the canvas and on the scene.

    Anyone know how to fix this?

    I’m using maya 2009 on ubuntu 9.04 with nvidia drivers version 180 i installed from the hardware drivers utility.

    Thanks for reading and your help in advance!

  3. This is great, but Maya2008 on FC9 appears to be ignoring the MayaScheme file,
    The helvetica fonts on my installation are missing the 10 point size. The MayaScheme ($HOME/app-defaults/MayaScheme ) file has been edited to cover the sizes that ARE there, but Maya ignores it.

    Any ideas?

    1. Do you have the right fonts installed? Also if you use Fedora, do you have SELinux enabled? If so, try running Maya with SELinux in a permissive state, and if it works better, set up a policy that excludes Maya.

  4. Hey, how would one go about compiling standalone mental ray? is it included with Maya 2009 Unlimited? if so, where do i find it, and how do i compile it?

  5. Stand-alone MR is not included in Maya Unlimited. It must be purchased separately.

    When you say compile, I don’t see what you mean, as the MR is a closed source binary.

  6. ARRRRRGGH! doing everything verbatim, and it’s not working.
    I have csh and alien…

    canis@canis-desktop:~/Desktop/LINUX_64$ ls
    canis@canis-desktop:~/Desktop/LINUX_64$ for i in *.RPM; sudo alien -cv $i;ls
    bash: syntax error near unexpected token `sudo’
    canis@canis-desktop:~/Desktop/LINUX_64$ sudo for i in *.RPM; sudo alien -cv $i;
    sudo: for: command not found
    Unknown type of package, AWCOMMON.RPM.
    canis@canis-desktop:~/Desktop/LINUX_64$ sudo alien -cv MAYA2009.RPM
    Unknown type of package, MAYA2009.RPM.

  7. Let me be the first to apologize. I’m so sorry, I don’t care what else happens from here, you were right. The problem was that I was mounting an “.iso” file and when I used the terminal to copy, the names were changed. I’m pretty suer they were truncated while they were mounted, but not certain. anyway I just double-clicked on the iso, and navigated my way to the LINUX64 folder, and I noticed it right away.(That the file names were being truncated) I guess using the archiver would be the way to go. I find it strange that noone ever mentioned this. I really am sorry for all the caps.

  8. Well, I strictly explained that you need to COPY THE FILES OFF THE MEDIUM…

    Good thing you got it working though…


  9. Ubuntu 9.04 amd64 is giving me some hickups. AWCommon…rpm will not convert to deb files. Given these are critical to licensing maya I can’t run maya. Sorry for the length.
    My Error —>
    Package build failed. Here’s the log:
    dh_clean -k -d
    find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name debian -print0 | \
    xargs -0 -r -i cp -a {} debian/awcommon
    dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: couldn’t find library needed by debian/awcommon/usr/aw/COM/bin/installKey (its RPATH is ”).
    Note: libraries are not searched in other binary packages that do not have any shlibs or symbols file.
    To help dpkg-shlibdeps find private libraries, you might need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    dh_shlibdeps: command returned error code 512
    make: [binary-arch] Error 1 (ignored)
    dpkg-gencontrol: error: current host architecture ‘amd64′ does not appear in package’s architecture list (i386)
    dh_gencontrol: command returned error code 65280
    make: *** [binary-arch] Error 1
    find AWCommon-11.5 -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;
    find: `AWCommon-11.5’: No such file or directory
    rm -rf AWCommon-11.5

    1. Well, if you just convert the files given in the instructions, it is no need to separately make a AWCommon/Licensing .deb package, because when you run Maya the first time this will automagically pop up, asking for your license…
      Just be sure to make the temp directory as specified, this is where the license stuff goes… (AFIK)

      Maya will try to write files to /usr/temp, so make sure to create the directory and give it write permissions:
      sudo mkdir /usr/tmp
      sudo chmod a+rwx /usr/tmp/

  10. I successfully installed and run maya2009sp1a od ubuntu 9.04 64bit, but i have massage in mayaLog and i don`t know what does it mens and if i need to worry:
    Maya Message Log starting Monday, August 24, 2009

    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed
    Error: Image conversion (to IFF) failed

    sorry for my English

    1. You seem to be missing some libraries. IFF files are relatively “general” and at the same time complex. IFF files are made up of sections of data called “chunks” that are defined with four-letter IDs; the three main chunk types are FORM, LIST, and CAT; FORM specifies the format of the file, LIST includes the properties of the file, at CAT includes the rest of the data; each chunk may contain text, numerical data, or raw data.
      They may contain text, image, or audio data; used as the basis for several other file formats and is supported by many programs.

      If this message appears while producing pre-renders of animation to .avi format, you’re probably missing the decoding libraries for that task. I believe the FFmpeg package with development headers, should take care of that. Try also to install mencoder and developer libraries.

      You could also easily do a tail -f /path/to/logfile to catch when this actually happensb(this command will monitor the log file in realtime).
      What you do in the program when the error occurs will then get clearer.
      This is always a good way to troubleshoot. If you start the maya executable from the command line, maya will also give you clues if it is missing some components.

      It is probably possible to start maya from the terminal with increased level of verbosity log output, so check up on that, and good luck!

    2. Had the same problem on the same system ( those are the Icons on the on the navigation cube, which don’t get converted and displayed ). Solved it with setting the TMPDIR Variable in the Maya.env file to a folder with read and write permission.

      Cheers, searching for the Pivot of my Soul, PP !!!

  11. Thanks for the howto. I’ve finally managed to get Maya 2009 installed on my Fedora 11. But I couldn’t run the software.

    I’ve put the license and then execute the maya terminal command to check some erros. The program starts e crashes with this error message:

    Signal: 11 (Unknown Signal) Fatal Error. Attempting to save in /usr/tmp/

    Could it be some permission problem? SELinux incompatibility? Please, help me!



  12. This is a new problem i have no idea what it is. i’ve had maya working on fedora for months now, but after some updates last week i get signal 11, i haven’t found a solution yet.

    i tried installing ubuntu and getting it working on there but it’s asking for i386 libs which i’m not sure how to install on 64bit system.

  13. Problem solved. Changed the Color Depth to 16 (instead of 32) and Maya Worked.

    But, 16 is so damn ugly I could stop thinking that Maya for Linux (at least on my laptop) SUCKS!!

    I’ll have to stick to Windows or buy a MAC.

    Sad but true…

    But thanks anyway.

  14. hi Baltazaar, do you think these instructions do work on a Debian system? I am installing Maya 2009 on my Debian 5.03 system.

  15. Got the install to go well… at least I believe so.
    Though having some kind of licensing issue. I keep getting a window with these errors:

    maya: License was not obtained
    Tried Maya Unlimited 2010 (657B1 2010.0.0.F), error 41

    License method:
    environment variable MAYA_LICENSE_METHOD=’standalone’

    Product choice:
    environment variable MAYA_LICENSE=’unlimited’

    License file override:
    environment variable MAYA_ALT_EN is not set

    If there are any hints I have the box in front of me with the numbers… ready and waiting

    1. Well, to tell you this: there is no such thing as Maya 2010 Unlimited!

      The application is merged, so It’s now Maya 2010, with all the functionality of 2009 Ultd. and heaps of other improvements, such as integrated Toxic in the bundle etc…

      Sure this isn’t some “accidental” torrent download?

  16. any clues on this one….
    Maya 2010, ubuntu 9.04, macPro aug2009, 8Gb ram, Gobs of HD space

    Install appeared to go fine, however whenever I try and launch maya the prompt just sits there. It doesn’t crash the shell. I can command-C to get back to the prompt and I can go right to the /usr/autodesk/maya/bin dir and launch adlm (license manager( and a couple of other executables. I just can’t get maya to respond.
    Ill try and see if I can get some more clues…

    Any help would be great. Right now, maya and after effects are the only things I need to os x for.


      1. yup /usr/tmp is writeable
        what’s odd to me is that it is not throwing any errors…
        no hints from the app what is going on.

        I find it odd that the post above mine has my name as well… 😉

      2. We live in a strange world…

        Have you tried running the app from the commandline?

        Observe messages, tail -f on the maya log file, etc?

        Alternatively with extra debugging, as in dbg?

  17. Hi Baltazaar

    Thanks for the post….

    I would like change that OLD GUI maya style to the new one, Would mind if you cound send me your file “libXm.so3”, from your pc to my email?

    I am trying get the way you explained, but is a little hard. Would you mind send me?

    thanks in advance

  18. Hello. I got to the point where i have to run the command “maya” from the terminal. I did so, and I got the error:

    error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  19. Hey,

    I’m new to ubuntu, 9.10 and was trying out this tutorial…I don’t know If i’m missing something here, I run the alien *.rpm line in the directory where i copied the maya files off the CD and the terminal runs for 5minutes converting to deb. But then I can’t find where it put the files. I searched all my drives for *.deb and in my HOME folder but can’t find it.
    Can I explicitily tell alien where to save or have I buggered something up, or does it not work so well in karmic koala? I’ve run this tutorial about half a dozen times but haven’t find it yet.



    1. Sorry, but do you read? I will NOT offer support for individual problem cases.
      See my latest comment reply for this.
      The procedure WORKS FINE if you follow it STEP-BY-STEP.


  20. Did you not think I followed the setup as you wrote, I wrote that myself, I have a problem with it hence I responded.
    Its all good for everyone to respond worked perfectly but if it didn’t my apologies for being such a pain!
    I copied and pasted everything on there. If you don’t know. Fine. Just a simple question.
    I’m brand new to ubuntu and a little help would go a long way.

    1. I’m sorry to hear that it did not work out the way you hoped. My guide is by no means the “perfect solution” for everybody. It is not something to copy and paste into the console, as the filenames, and versions of software and operating system differences, and the likes would render it impossible.

      Try to adjust it to your environment, and I think you’ll be fine. But, I must say, when it comes to intricate problem solving on the Linux operating system, or any operating system, it all boils down to the level of expertise you hold.

      If you’re new to the “world of Linux” or new to working in a command line environment, you will have a hard time swimming in this ocean.
      Trouble solving in such an environment can be frustrating, tell me about it, I’ve worked with Linux and UNIX for many years.

      Just fight it out, it will be rewarding in the end!

  21. looks like perseverance paid off. I copied the files to the desktop this time and it created the deb files. Everything else just fell into place after that.

  22. AMAZING tutorial!! The best one so far!! Thanks a lot, man!!

    Another tip for sound fix:
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

  23. Another thing, really annoying thing:
    sometimes I press enter or TAB in some box values, like translate or rotate, and maya makes the enter or tab start to repeat “forever”. So, I need to open another place, like a terminal or gedit to press the key again (enter or tab) to stop it. Man, you can’t imagine how annoying is this! Do you have any clue about this? Oh, it happens only in Ubuntu, not in Windows Maya version.

  24. @ mangojambo

    in keyboard preference check “only accept long key press” and adjust the slider to where u feel comfortable….it solved same problem of mine

  25. I did the drill, but after the alien command, i only get .deb files for the awcommon. i dont get the Maya2009*.deb files. instead i get 2 folders with Maya2009 with inside a usr and a debian folder. any help please. btw i’m not on debian but on linux mint

  26. I did the drill, but after the alien command, i only get .deb files for the awcommon. i dont get the Maya2009*.deb files. instead i get 2 folders with Maya2009 with inside a usr and a debian folder. any help please. btw i’m not on debian but on linux mint

    thx for help

    1. You don’t need those specific awcommon components, as they’re baked in with the main Maya .deb, so when you launch Maya, The aw_common, that is the licensing part, by the way, automatically fires and everything is dandy.

      Have a merry Christmas…

  27. Hello all. Back again with a reminder that I’m sorry, and the man is right. This page is still valid. Thanks for all your help Baltazaar.

  28. hi baltazaar,

    this guide is totally awesome. thanks so much for making it!

    just a question, and maybe you already covered this somewhere and i missed it, but (for vanity’s sake) is there any way to get maya’s UI to play nice w/ desktop effects enabled?


  29. Hi Baltazaar, thanks for the guide.

    One question, my text tool is not working, it outputs this:

    textCurves -ch 0 -f “Courier” -t “Maya”;
    // Error: Unable to open postscript font file for Courier //
    // Error: Command textCurves failed. Open Script Editor for details. //

    i can’t choose any font type. Can you give me some advice what to do?? Thank you

    I’m using Maya 2009 in Ubuntu 8.10

    1. Sounds like you’re missing the fonts, thats all. Try installing the X11 postscript fonts that I list in the guide, or choose another font, thats on your system.
      Try doing a fontconfig command in your fonts directory as well.

      1. can you please elaborate a little bit more ?? i have installed the X11 fonts and i’m still can’t use the text tool.

        How can i apply this fontconfig command ??

        sorry but i’m still a linux newbie and i couldn’t find anything about that command.

        thank you.

  30. wery nice guide. i had no problems installing maya on earlyer ubuntu versions but now with 9.10 it is staring to look like a joke on linux users.

    btw, i think autodesk is gonna use a newer GUI for next linux release of maya. realy hope that is true.

    😀 again thx alot!

  31. Hey,

    I’m new to Linux (started about 1 1/2 weeks ago), & your guide is great. It worked just fine. I hope you write a guide on getting mental ray satellite working on linux someday.

    thanks for writing this guide!!

  32. I have a problem not with the installation but something peculiar with the bottom mel command area. If say I type in a command and press enter everything is fine for a moment and then the viewport begins to jitter when I tumble for example. If I jump to another program it’s as if a key is being pressed down erratically wherever I go.

    This ultimately leads ubuntu to crash and restarts. I don’t understood what this is all about. Now If I type and execute in the script editor this doesnt happen.

    I have searched everywhere but to no avail I’m left with this message.

  33. I successfully installed.
    but it doesn’t render in mental ray
    what should i do??
    please help me………..

  34. Thanks a lot for this step-by-step !

    Works fine on my Maverick Meerkat, except that windows don’t stay in the foreground (exple: hypershade or attribute editor auto-reduices when moving in the viewport). Only problem encountered in 10 minutes.

    Thanks again.

    PS: Sorry for my english.

  35. You popped up on bing when I did a search for office furniture.. I’m doing research on this field right now and this contributed. I myself am looking into buying some office furniture for my home office. I’m going to send this link to my roommate.

  36. So…

    //Been searching this prblem for ages… but… I had to put my neurons to use… something like:

    function do:
    maya_font_dir = researchFontProblem(from post );
    echo ‘thank you rambo’;
    echo ‘n\Maya directory is: ‘+maya_font_dir;
    echo ‘n\Copy there *.pfa files…. thAT’S the ones I’m sure… *.afm also work.’;
    //echo ‘n\Thanks Baltazar’;


    thank you rambo
    Maya directory is: “/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/”
    Copy there *.pfa files…. thAT’S the ones I’m sure… *.afm also work.

    :] Nice progy…

    Never fount this kind of help… just trial and error… cylcing through fs dirs… looking for font files that resembled the ones I saw… till that post in the dusty information universe from ubuntu galaxy :] humans are beter machines I Think!

  37. I have found what causes this problem: compositing. If you are using Ubuntu go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance and go to the Visual Effects tab. Turn visual effects off.

  38. I installed maya 2008 windows version with terminal, also flexlm and copy and I did like windows version, but it did not opens, even maya 2009 linux version did not installs into Ubuntu, terminal, wine and play on linux, tell me the right solution to run maya properly any version 2008, 2009, 2011 (windows,Linux) ? ? ? What version installs and run properly in Ubuntu ? ? please hhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppp


  39. sir please explain step by step how to install and run maya 2009 (linux) (windows) in Ubuntu 10.10,

    step 1). Start Ubuntu,
    step 2). Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal,
    step 3).

    like that please, explain, please help

  40. Hi baltazaar,

    I am using the same machine on which I used Maya under Windows, but now under Ubuntu I have a problem regarding the hardware texturing.It doeesn’t bring up all the texturing on the imported files (that were done while running on Windows)!!!


  41. Hi, mate.

    Thanks for your very detailed instruction of installing Maya on Ubuntu.

    I am wondering if you could provide us a clear instruction of installing Maya on RHEL 6 ?

    I am quite new to Linux platform, however, for taking exercise purposes I need to install Maya 2012 on Redhat. Could you give me some good tips ?


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